
michael clarke duncan中文是什么意思

  • 迈克・克拉克・邓肯
  • 迈克尔克拉克邓肯



  • 例句与用法
  • Best supporting actor nominee michael clarke duncan has no time to talk as he arrives for the ceremony
  • Miacles happen in unexpected places , even in the death - row cellblock at cold mountain penitentiary , there john coffey , a gentle giant of a prisoner with supernatural powers , brings a sense of spirit and humanity to his guards and fellow inmates . tom hanks leads a stellar ensemble including michael clarke duncan as coffey in this emotional , uplifting story of guards and captives ; husbands and wives ; prisoners and a remarkable mouse named mr . jingles ; and , on another level , of a moviemaker and his source . that filmmaker is frank darabont , who returns after his 1994 directorial debut the shawshank redemption to adapt another tale by stephen king into a stirring , crow - pleasing entertainment nominated for 4 academy awards , including best picture
  • Paul edgecomb tom hanks is the head guard on the green mile when a new inmate is brought into his custody : john coffey michael clarke duncan , convicted of the sadistic murder of two young girls . despite his size and the fearsome crimes for which he s serving time , coffey seems to be a kind and well - mannered person who behaves more like an innocent child than a hardened criminal . soon edgecomb and two of his fellow guards , howell david morse and stanton barry pepper , notice something odd about coffey : he s able to perform what seem to be miracles of healing among his fellow inmates , leading them to wonder just what sort of person he could be , and if he could have committed the crimes with which he was charged
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